ABOUT ME! - hiii im guka, kou, dea, or ronnie! i am 14 years old indonesian lesbian & transgender! i have autism, adhd, & dyslexia! please be patient with me,, (┬┬﹏┬┬) i am a system! a did (dissociative identity disorder) system! we discovered a months ago & we're introject heavy! i start coding a weeks ago, and then i become a PRO coding :3 lolz...

B4 U INTERACT! - 1 i curse alot 2 i make kys/kms jokes & nsfw jokes (lmk if uncomfy 3 i make typos alot 4 i may be too loud sometimes 5 terrible memory, i will try hard to remember them 6 i somehow cant read typing quirks due to my dyslexia 7 i cry too much 8 i talk about my spinterests alot 9 i reply too late since im kinda busy.. 10 i get mad easily

DO NOT INTERACT! - basic dni, -13/18+ (unless we're mutuals), endos/willows/tulpas etc. "sys", bfs wbt fans/slanders, keina suda antis, guchiry antis, have problems on my friends, thinks neos/xenos is mocking the transgender community, hates d4dj, those south park, wednesday, stranger things, etc fans, nothing much, i just block when i dont like/not interested w/ u.